Kayleigh Grant show jumps Texan VI, a 9 year old, 16.3hh, Dutch Warmblood (KWPN) up to Discovery level and is aiming to step up to Newcomers and compete at Hickstead next year - whilst also trying her hand at dressage and cross country. Long term she wants to get to HOYS!
Why horses? "Mum has had them since she was little, i think it was in my blood when i was born!"
Biggest horsey bug bear? "Poo picking in the rain! I can't stand hair not being tied up in a ponytale or a bun underneath the hat! Can make a rider look so messy!! Plus it's unsafe."
Worst horsey habit? "Not cleaning my tack enough!"
If not horses what? "I have no idea...?! I think i would be driving around in beautiful sports car though if i didnt have him!"
What could you not live without? "My mum! She turns out and mucks out Monday to Friday for Heather and myself, so we dont have to before work! Love her! Also Hheathers dad, as he is super at kepping the lorry in tip top running order for us!"