Jenna Copley competes in affiliated show jumping on her own Harvest Paladin - a 16hh Selle Francais cross native, homebred Grade C. The combination were placed at the Blue Chip Winter Show Jumping Championships 2009 in the Cyclo-ssage 1m class and have qualified for the 1m Blue Chip championships 2010.
Aims for the future
Short term - qualify for Amateur Championshis in Aintree, move up to jumping Newcomers and try to qualify for the 1.10m 2010 Blue Chip Championships. Long term - move up to jumping Foxhunters, bring on my youngsters and start them BSJA.
Why horses? "They are such nice animals to work with, incredibly forgiving, they have a lot of "Grace"."
Biggest horsey bug bear? "Side reins - I cannot see why a fixed unforgiving aid is used, if a youngster trips they get jabbed in the mouth. I know a lot of respected people use them, but my view is perhaps they are preparing them for a life of heavy contact."
Worst horsey habit? "I hog my horses! Paladin has sweet itch so cannot grow a proper mane, his brother Peer got the same treatment after a neck cover rubbed out half his mane and I saw the light about not plaiting - pure laziness on my part!"
If not horses what? "If I didn't have horses I would be travelling the world I guess! Would be nice to go to some warm places after three depressing summers."
What could you not live without? "For me - Diet Coke, my nasty chemical habit as I don't drink tea or coffee. For the horses - Nettex Itch Stop for Paladin."