Sophie Abdy events Millennium Magic (aka Richie) a 16.2hh bay gelding, 12 years old, Registered Irish Sports horse who has previously competed up to 2* level and is now currently competing at ON/JRN. Sophie first qualified for the Pony Club Eventing Championships in 2007 on another horse. In 2008 she got Richie and competed at Open Pre Novice where they came 3rd at Tweseldown. They also qualified for and competed at the Pony Club Tetrathlon Championships with the team finished 5th place overall. In 2009 the combination have competed at Novice level, coming 5th individually at a Pony Club Open event as well as qualifying for the Pony Club Open dressage championships. Sophie is now aiming to compete at some more Open Novice affiliated events next year and hopefully a few JRNs. She would also like to continue gaining experience and moving up through the levels.
Why horses? "Riding is a sport that I have really enjoyed since a young age, being lucky enough to have my first pony aged 5. Hunting particularly inspired me and I spent most of my weekends coming home freezing cold and covered in mud but thoroughly exhilarated. I love being able to do something different in my free time that challenges me both physically and mentally, and its great to work with animals that are smart and responsive."
Biggest horsey bug bear? "Cleaning tack after a freezing days hunting when your fingers are too numb to feel the leather. However as I'm always reminded it is a lot easier before the mud has dried!"
Worst horsey habit? "Not smiling enough when I'm riding and looking down too much - its because I'm concentrating so hard."
If not horses what? "It would be very hard to find something equally as exhilarating and rewarding, when you have had a good days hunting, or an awesome cross country round the adrenaline rush is amazing. However I would love to try competitive sailing."
What could you not live without? "My two most treasured possesions are Richie and my lurcher Woody. However I don't think I could live without my friends."