Swynnerton - Aged 13, Advanced event horse, completed Blenheim CCI*** with a double clear, finishing in 27th and winning the prize for the most improved after dressage.
Dispol Truly - Aged 5, Intro event horse, completed her first two events, showing that she's a real star prospect for the future.
Expert Witness - 9yr old, Pre Novice event horse, a real school-master at this level.
Claire has already stacked up some fantastic results including 27th Blenheim CCI*** with a double clear, Double clear at Barbury CIC***, 1st West Buckland, 2nd West Wilts as well as qualifying for 4* for 2010. Claire is aiming for Badminton 2010 however the big aim is to find some owners/set up a yard.
Why horses? "Good question, as they are a silly job/interest to have, they take up all yout time, effort, money and life style, but i wouldn't have it any other way!!!"
Biggest horsey bug bear? "The cost of running an event horse, coupled with the fact that it's so hard to make a living out of riding horses full time."
Worst horsey habit? "Looking down over my fences, must look up/where i'm going."
If not horses what? "I have my snowboard instructors qualification, so i guess that."
What could you not live without? "Horses!! (and my car, i do alot of driving round to other peoples yards to ride)"