Abby Steel rides two horses, Lilly the pink III and Romora Ash (Pinky). Lilly is a 16.2hh warmblood x 5 yr old palomino mare and Abby has owned her for just over a year. The pair have been jumping up to BSJA Discovery level and hope to be jumping Newcomers by the end of the winter. Abby has so far qualified for the Trailblazers show jumping (90cms) finals for next spring, she has won and been placed in many British Novice classes. They have also had a successful showing season in palomino classes and is aiming to take her to the Royal Norfolk Show next year. Pinky is a 15.2hh Irish TB 6 yr old chesnut mare. Abby has had Pinky for a year and a half after rescuing her when she was a very bad condition, it has taken a year to get her back to full health and she is now in schooling and showing a very promising jump. She is aiming to be competing her unaffiliated jumping this winter to prepare her for affiliated competitions next year. Her aim for the future short term is to get Lilly to grade B level in 2 years, long term she wants to make a career out of show jumping horses which she has produced herself.
Why horses? "I started at a very early age and would have nothing to spend my money on if i didn't have them!"
Biggest horsey bug bear? "Not going to enough shows, as parents WON'T take me."
Worst horsey habit? "Riding with my stirrups far too short!"
If not horses what? "Can't imagine never having horses!"
What could you not live without? "Brushing boots! And pulled tails!"