Emily Gresty events Uroco (Bob) who is an 8 year old, 16hh, dutch warmblood by Niarobi and out of Nouvelle. He is at BE Intermediatelevel/CCI**, BD elementry/medium, BSJA senior foxhunter and 1.25m open and Emily has brought him on from a just broken 5 year old.
So far Emily has qualifed for the Intermediate championships, was selected and competed on the Junior squad for Jardy (France), has achieved many placings at Intermediate, completed Longleat CIC**, won first novice (both rider and horse) and been selected for junior winter training list. She is aiming to compete at BD medium by the end of the winter and get selected for the junior european team next season. Long term she wants to compete at 3 star level and be listed for the young rider squads.
Why horses? "Because they are unpredictable and exciting."
Biggest horsey bug bear? "Twisted reins and stirup leathers."
Worst horsey habit? "Crawling in between my horses legs."
If not horses what? "Swimming or water polo and of course the odd party."
What could you not live without? "Tesco value funiture polish! - 49p a bottle and better than the expensive canter coat shine or detangulars!!!"