Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Kelly Dickson's blog: Busy making plans!

Hope you all had a good Christmas and new year. Well I think there is going to be a theme to all blogs from this month saying the same thing. Nothing at all happened due to snow and ice.

I gave Charlie a couple of weeks off at the beginning of December hoping to go to Merrist Wood and Badgworth for the Blue Chip Power and Blue Chip Star Qualifiers towards the end of the month. Then came the first bout of snow, so Merrist Wood cancelled and Badgworth rescheduled their show for February. So things didn't go according to plan and Charlie has had an extended and unintentional holiday.

The school has been frozen and the roads haven't been great so fitness has dropped and a few pounds gained (for both of us). But had a good Christmas with Charlie managing to get out in the field for a couple of days after the snow had melted, and a very quiet new year.

At the beginning of the month I started Charlie on the JOINT POWER supplement from Organic Horse. He had coffin joint problem a couple of years back and when he's been stood in a couple of days he gets a little stiff. I've been using this for a month now and so far it seems to be working. He's legs are not swelling up at all and no stiffness. He's been bucking and flying about for the last couple of weeks. Hopefully it will make him feel good in himself at competitions too.

Looks like the cold snap is going to stay around for a fair bit as we are up to our ankles (and sometimes knees) in snow again. I'm just hoping it will wear itself out soon so that I can actually compete before January ends.

So through the boredom, I have been making plans for the new year ahead. First I'm hoping to get my last Discovery double clear to qualify for the seconds rounds. I only have £3 left to win before I am out of Discovery so not much to play with. Then try for the last couple of Blue Chip Power Qualifiers to add to my Discovery one, then aim for the scope classes.

I also hope to compete at more county shows and 3/4 day shows. Lots to aim for and look forward to. Hope to report back a bit more from January.