Thursday, 28 January 2010
Jemma Harrison's blog: the effects of Joint Power!
December and January have been quiet for us in Jersey and for the first time in many years we had thick snow! All the horses seemed to enjoy the snow as it meant they didnt have to work as much because the sandschool had turned into a snowschool!
We all managed to have great fun in the snow though, and as you can see from the photo, Piquet wasn't too impressed by our snowman and snowhorse!
In early december, Piquet and I had a Christmas showjumping competition at an indoor arena. We competed in the two last classes of the day, the first class ( height 1metre ) we knocked down the first jump as Piquet didnt seem to think much of the snowman next to it and decided that looking at the snowman instead of the jump, and therefore forgetting to pick up our feet was a better idea! In the second class which was 1m05, we got a clear round and were the only clear meaning that we won our class.
We are now just continuing our training ready for the season to start in early March. I have been using the Organic Horse 'Joint Power' powder on Piquet now for 3 weeks and I have noticed a dramatic change. He used to be stiff in his hind legs on the right rein. He found it almost impossible to do shoulder-in on the right when schooling and was never able to change his hind legs when doing flying changes which meant he always became unbalanced and had to come back to trot.
Now, with being on 'Joint Power' he no longer struggles with his shoulder-in, finding it just as easy on both reins and everytime he does a flying change it is always foot-
perfect! And this is what made me realise that 'Joint Power' was really helping his stiffness. I had been trying for months on correcting his flying changes but he found it very difficult and preferred not to. Now he changes with no effort involved so I am very happy!