Well nothing has really been happening with the horses, all the competitios I had planned have been cancelled due to ice and snow! The driveway down to the yard, which is a steep hill, has been almost impassable for a few days and I have been camped out at my mums as they live in a flat on the yard.
The horses have just been being kept ticking over, although I have trouble with Serenity keeping her brain calm as we can't get them out to the fields, the last time this happened she went a bit crazy!! So I have been trying to ride her and put her on the walker for as long as possible everyday. So far it seems to be working but the problem will be if it carries on as even the indoor school is starting to freeze!!!
Amat had to have some time off over Christmas due to being a bit sore in his back but was just back in work when the snow hit so is back to loose schooling everyday. Hopefully soon I will be able to write a blog with a competition report in, but for now it's just a case of trying to keep warm!
The picture is of our rising 3 year old, Stop Larking About and Bud my retired eventer.