It's been a busy few months for us with competitions nearly every weekend and the weather has stayed nice which always makes a great show! Piquet has been jumping really well and at each show we've come away with rosettes!
During June I decided to try something new and we did our first working hunter class! With all the rustic fences Piquet was a little spooky but still jumped clear so I couldn't ask for more! During the showing part Piquet wasn't interested in behaving and thought that we were on a lap of honor so kept trying to catch up with the horse in front which was very entertaining for me as I know he's not s show horse! We still managed a 5th place in the Large Workers and a 6th in the Open Workers.
For some reason I decided to do another Working hunter the other week and again he did the jumping superbly with the judge telling me he had the best jumping round. But again in the showing he wasn't interested and decided to canter instead of trot in his run-up. We came 2nd which was very pleasing as I was only doing it for the jumping part which he jumped extremely well in.
Last weekend was our Member's Day Show and Piquet was on top form. We gained a clear round in the 1.05/1.10 and came 3rd and in the Grade C Grand Prix (with jumps going up to 1.15/1.20 in the puissance round) he continued to jump well and we managed another 3rd which was very pleasing!
Over the next few weeks we have shows each weekend including a derby which should be great fun as it will be the first time Piquet and I together will jump round a derby! Then in late August we will be off to Guernsey for a week to compete in their Horse of The Year Show so it's going to be a busy August!