Our season has finally got up and running with a successful month behind us. The main disappointing aspect was that we never got into the CCI** at Compeigne in France, so a rethink of our goals leaves us aiming for Tattersalls in May.
We started off the month by getting some show jumping practice in. Since Sarnie’s physio straightened her pelvis she has been back firing on all cylinders and has qualified for the Bath and West Grade C final and Bath and West Open final finishing 2nd and 4th in the qualifiers on consecutive weekends. The later qualifier was 1.25 with a 1.35 jump off which really had her pinging.
Ashley meanwhile has started his affiliated Show jumping and has jumped 3 British Novices, had one double clear and 2 rounds of a pole down, he is just starting to get a little cocky but once settled in the ring he showing scope and care. We finished the month with his first Discovery where he jumped a cracking round for one unlucky pole down. Since we are not going to Compeigne he is now entered for his debut event at Bickenhall BE90open in mid April before in May moving onto BE100s. I am very excited about him and feel he has a huge amount of potential despite his small size.
Our first BE event was the OI at Gatcombe. The weather was kind and the going great. Sarnie is pretty fit and feeling very well (thanks to Organic Horse’s – Horse Power). I started warming up for dressage and every canter transition involved a squeal as she bounded into canter. I think what we produced was a very careful test, the mediums were ok but if I had asked for more they could have been fantastic or we could have accelerated out of the arena never to be seen again. Overall it could have been worse as we ended middling with a score of 36.8 in a competitive section with only 2 combinations breaking 30.
Show jumping was up to height and quite twisty and the ground although not bad was getting cut up on the fence lines. She was still bright but not sure why I seemed to see some pretty dodgy strides. She got close to 3,4 and 5 through rider error, I also missed her at 7 a triple bar my least favourite fence as I always try and make them take off a stride too early. We actually jumped 8, 9 (the treble) and 10 ok. A clear round hugely deserved by the horse perhaps less so for the jockey.
Cross country she was superb and we had a fast and clear round. She jumped the problematic offset corners the straight route and very neatly and powered through the water making the course feel quite straightforward. We finished the 5th fastest in the section and came 7th overall.
Easter was also successful with two wins in the Medium classes of British Dressage show at Tall Trees and a Foxhunter BS win at Colraine. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the season continues in the same vein. Plans for Sarnie in April include the Advanced Intermediate at South of England where we will be doing the Badminton test and an advanced run at Withington.
Until then keep up to date via www.shoestringeventing.co.uk