Monday, 1 March 2010

Georgina Rose battles on regardless of the weather

Thank goodness that Feb has come to an end, with March almost underway spring feels just a tiny bit closer, I dont think I can take much more of this winter weather! Since the heavy snow, I must have got about 2 weeks of riding in before terrential rain set in again, but by now I'm so determined to battle on the horses will have to put up with being a bit soggy for the time being!

This month I have been busy setting up Rose Equine in preparation for spring, we have had some emboirdery work done e.g polo shirts, baseball caps, hoodies etc in our colours of black and gold, and they look great so really pleaed with that. Hoping to get saddlecloths done to include Forest Farmacys logo soon.

Horses are going well. Our 4yo, Al, has now begun jumping! He is a total natural, pops over like a pro even though hes only jumped a handful of times, so really impressed with him, high hopes as a little PC eventer/showjumper/WHP of the future!

Merlin is enjoying his new lease of life jumping, thanks to the Respiratory and Joint Power, at age 16 he is back enjoying work again which is amazing, as we'd never thought we'd jump him again because he seemed to find it so uncomfortable, so thanks again for the good work!

Penny is her usual bouncy self, busy doing lots of work getting her fit for the hunter trial season, as this is where I plan to focus her efforts early in the year as she really excels across country. Got several dates in mind, the first I hope will be mid March weather permitting.

I've also booked myself in for BHS Stage 2 training to start at the end of April, so loooking forward to moving onwards with my qualifications. Lots to look forward to now that spring is nearly here, hunter trials, shows, long hacks on the commons (hopefully in the sun!) sales and no doubt a huge amount of spring cleaning, so a busy time just around the corner I hope!

Hope everyone is battling on through the weather ok, best of luck to you all in the season ahead,