Friday, 4 December 2009

Georgina Rose's blog update

This month I have been busy trying to get the horses to settle into their winter routine, and they are none to pleased what with the stresses of firework night (night being the operative word, it seems to go on for weeks!) and the wet and windy weather that seems to be taking a firm hold, its tricky to get a chance to get them to buckle down and do some work! I had my jumping mare, Penny, clipped for the first time this month;- she wasnt best pleased, but miraculously the lady clipping her still managed to produce a neat tidy clip, so full credit to her!

I had planned to do a couple of showjumping shows this month, but sadly all were rained off, so feeling frustrated at having to miss those few qualifiers. Theres still plenty of opportunities though what with Christmas shows coming up, so role on December and hopefully some drier weather.

Penny is currently looking great on Gut Power and some basic feed, she seems to be using the feed much better this year and she feels great to ride, so Organic Horse's supplement seems to be doing the trick. My other horse, Merlins Magic, is on Respiratory Power and Joint Power, and he definatley appears looser in his movement and not quite so stiff and awkward, so full marks to Organic Horse!

Al, our little 3yo is still not getting hard feed, he is just unbelievably hardy! Although Im obviously pleased he's doing so well, I'm a little concerned that come spring he might be prone to laminitus- perhaps I should give Laminis Power a go? He continues to amaze me, this month I've ridden him in wind and rain and he hasnt batted an eyelid! I'd sooner ride him in that than my older horses. you just cant phase him.

This month I also passed my Riding and Road Safety Test! One step closer...My BHS stage 1 is up next, so wish me luck! Looking forward to Dec which looks busy on the calandar, what with Xmas shows (I've promised my friend I will commit myself to a festive fancy dress SJ pairs! ), more exams/training, a fun ride on the Quantocks and somewhere in between some christmas shopping!