Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Catch up with squad members Kayleigh Grant and Tex

The last two months have been really quiet for us, as I had a back operation at the end of September. So I made the decision to take T's shoes off and give him a little holiday.

We have had quite a full on year - I brought Texan in June 08 where he had competed up to elemantary level, dressage, but he proved to have a scopey, bold jump. So this year he has learnt a new trade and we have throughly enjoyed our selves doing loads of shows and three away shows, Towerlands, Arena UK and Wales and The West, he has taken it all in his stride!

One downside to Texan is he has particularly bad feet, he has really bad cracks and the horn growth is literally non-existant, so I have got him on Hoof Power whilst he is on his hols to give his feet the best chance possible! I have the farrier coming up at the end of the week to give him a trim and to check overall how he is doing, so far so good as I have seen a significant improvement in quality of hoof!

I'm back to the hospital on the 12th to have a spine check, hopefully it all goes well and I'll have the all clear to get back on board! My back feels superb so I'm feeling really positive! Then we can start getting fit to hopefully be ready for the New Year show at the Hand Equestrian!