It’s been a very strange month for most of us, I think –we are just not too good at all this arctic weather!
Everything was ticking along nicely, then came the snow and the ice. I managed to get to Carl’s with Crumble and Nuts on Friday 18th ,and had two super lessons – on Crumble we did lots of work on keeping her in front of the leg, especially in canter and passage. Nuts is now starting to become fitter and his trot work is coming back really well. In the canter we tried to get him a little quicker and in piaffe we worked on trying to keep him slow in front but quick behind, without upsetting him in the contact.
Before I had even loaded up it was starting to snow – a glimpse of what was to come! The following Monday I set off to High Wycombe to teach a 2day clinic. I arrived to find 3 inches of snow on the ground already! By the next morning we were snowed in and High Wycombe was on the national news – nobody could get in or out!
I did eventually get home, but like so many others have been snow and ice bound, so very little work for the horses. It’s been very interesting to see how well Pan has behaved despite the lack of work – the Gut power organic equine supplement has clearly helped him to stay relaxed (not a word usually associated with him!) Here’s hoping everyone can get back to normal again soon. . . .